1. Regulation for construction materials. Staatsblad van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, 1995, p.567.
2. NEN 7343. Determination of leaching from granular construction materials and wastes by means of a column test. June 1994.
3. CEN TC 292 document: proposed leaching test for granular solid waste. van der Sloot HA, Hjelmer O, Aalberts ThG, Wahlström M, Fällman AM. February 1993. (Also as ECN-C-93-012.)
4. NEN 7345. Determination of leaching from monolithic construction materials and waste materials by means of a diffusion test. October 1994.
5. NEN 7341. Determination of the availability for leaching from granular and monolithic construction materials and waste materials 1994. (Formerly NVN 2508).