1. Application of waste materials a success now, a success in the future. J. v.d. Zwan, Waste Materials in Construction: Putting Theory into practice, 1997, Elsevier Science B.V.
2. Bouwstoffenbesluit bodem- en oppervlaktewaterenbescherming, (BMD). Bulletin of acts, orders and decrees, No. 567, 1995.
3. The Building Materials Decree (an English translation of the decree and an English brochure on the Building Materials Decree). www.minvrom.nl/English/Environment/Soil Policy/BMD.
4. The Ministerial Decision attend to the Building Materials Decree, including a protocol on testing clean soil/sediment, a protocol on testing other construction materials and a guideline for isolation measures. Netherlands Government Gazette, 30 January 1998. Available via www, see Ref. [3] for details.
5. Walthaus HHJ, Ruardi PA ‘Soil protection policy in the Netherlands’. Ministry VROM, The Netherlands . Contribution to the International Workshop Soil Protection Policies within the European Union. Bonn, December 1998.