1. 3GPP22.185, July 2020. Technical specification group services and system aspects; service requirements for v2x services; stage 1 (v16.0.0, release 16). 3GPP.
2. 3GPP22.186, June 2019. Technical specification group services and system aspects; enhancement of 3gpp support for v2x scenarios; stage 1 (v16.2.0, rel. 16). 3GPP.
3. 3GPP22.261, T., 2019. Service requirements for next generation new services and markets.
4. 3GPP22.885, Dec. 2015. Technical specification group services and system aspects; study on lte support for vehicle to everything (v2x) services (v14.0.0, release 14). 3GPP.
5. 3GPP22.886, Dec. 2018. Technical specification group services and system aspects; study on enhancement of 3gpp support for 5g v2x services (v16.2.0 release 16). 3GPP.