1. The Intellectual Property Activity Research Report 2002 (JPO). The report, including the title, has not been translated into English yet. The URL of the relevant page is http://www.jpo.go.jp/shiryou/toukei/h14_tizai_katudou.htm (Japanese). On this page is a pie chart. This shows the total money which is related to Japanese Intellectual Property spent in 2001—1344607 million yen. We assumed the exchange rate (JPY to USD) at that time was 120.00. This is the basis for the ’11.2 billion US dollars’. The URL of the full report is http://www.jpo.go.jp/shiryou/toukei/pdf/h14_tizai_kekka/kekka_gaiyou.pdf (PDF File - Japanese)
2. “IP Awareness—see http://chizai.nikkeibp.co.jp/chizai/index.html. (Japanese web IP news published by Nikkei Business Publications Inc.) At http://chizai.nikkeibp.co.jp/chizai/gov/tokkyo20040329.html, there is a bar graph. This shows the rate of patent grants (2002:51.4%), rejected (2002:48.6%), and no objection (2002:24.2%). This is the basis for the figure of ‘51.4%’
3. Sources of Japanese patent information;Schellner;World Patent Inform.,2001