1. Environmental Protection Agency, Alachlor; notice of intent to cancel registrations; conclusion of special review, Fed. Reg. 52 (1987) 49480–49503.
2. Environmental Protection Agency, Alachlor; pesticide tolerance, Fed. Reg. 60 (1995) 18558–18560.
3. Environmental Protection Agency, Pesticides and ground water SMP rule. Technical support document, Summary of evidence of adverse human health effects for 5 SMP candidates, Office of Pesticide Programs, June, Washington, DC, 1996.
4. Evaluation of the potential carcinogenicity and genetic toxicity to humans of the herbicide acetochlor;Ashby;Human Exper. Toxicol.,1996
5. Environmental Protection Agency, Metolachlor; pesticide tolerances, Fed. Reg. 61 (1996) 26149–26152.