1. National Research Council (NRC), Risk Assessment in the Federal Government: Managing the Process, National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1983.
2. J.R. Fowle, K.L. Dearfield, Science Policy Council Handbook: Risk Characterization, EPA 100-B-00-002, US Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, 2000.
3. US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), Guidelines for Mutagenicity Risk Assessment, Federal Register 51 (1986) 34006–34012.
4. US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment, Federal Register 51 (1986) 33992–34003.
5. US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment, Review Draft, NCEA-F-0644, http://www.epa.gov/ncea/raf/cancer.htm, 1999.