1. T. Tobin, Drugs and the Performance Horse, Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, 1981, pp. 5–16, 161–215.
2. G.H. Johnston (Editor), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Control of the Use of the Drugs in Racehorses, Toronto, 1983, Canada, Canada Section of Association off Official Chemists, Toronto, 1983, p. 186.
3. Determination of drugs in biological samples by thin- layer chromatography tandem mass spectrometry
4. C.R. Short (Editor) Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of Racing Analyst and Veterinarians, New Orleans, 1992, International Conference of Racing Analyst and Veterinarians, New Orleans, 1992, p. 367.
5. Serum Levels of Butorphanol by Radioimmunoassay