1. Pneumocystis pneumonia;Centers for Disease Control;Morbid. Mortal. Wkly Rep.,1981
2. Update on Kaposi's sarcoma and opportunistic infections in previously healthy persons—United States;Centers for Disease Control;Morbid. Mortal. Wkly Rep.,1982
3. Opportunistic infections and Kaposi's sarcoma among Haitians in the United States;Centers for Disease Control;Morbid. Mortal. Wkly Rep.,1982
4. Uodate on acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) among patients with hemophilia A;Centers for Disease Control;Morbid. Mortal. Wkly Rep.,1982
5. Possible transfusion-associated acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)—California;Centers for Disease Control;Morbid. Mortal. Wkly Rep.,1982