1. B. Versino, H. Knöppel, M. de Groot, A. Peil, J. Poelman, H. Schauenberg, H. Vissers and F. Geiss, Euroanalysis II, Second European Conference on Analytical Chemistry, Budapest, 25-30 August, 1975
2. Trace organics by GC/MS [gas chromatography/mass spectrometry]
3. European Economic Community, Cooperation and Coordination in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research, Action COST 64b, Analysis of Organic Micropollutants in Water, EEC-COST Reports EUCO/MDV/23/74 (Annual Report 1973) and EUCO/MDU/44/75 (Annual Report 1974), Brussels
4. Organic substances in potable water and in its precursor