Formation mechanisms of ultradeep sedimentary basins: the North Barents basin. Petroleum potential implications


Artyushkov E.V.1,Belyaev I.V.2,Kazanin G.S.3,Pavlov S.P.3,Chekhovich P.A.14,Shkarubo S.I.3


1. O.Yu. Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Bol’shaya Gruzinskaya 10, Moscow, 123995, Russia

2. SEVMORGEO, ul. Rozenshteina 36, St. Petersburg, 198095, Russia

3. Marine Arctic Geological Exploration Expedition, ul. Sof’i Perovskoi 26, Murmansk, 183012, Russia

4. Moscow State University, Earth Science Museum, Leninskie Gory 1, Moscow, 119991, Russia


Abstract Consolidated crust in the North Barents basin with sediments 16–18 km thick is attenuated approximately by two times. The normal faults in the basin basement ensure only 10–15% stretching, which caused the deposition of 2–3 km sediments during the early evolution of the basin. The overlying 16 km of sediments have accumulated since the Late Devonian. Judging by the undisturbed reflectors to a depth of 8 s, crustal subsidence was not accompanied by any significant stretching throughout that time. Dramatic subsidence under such conditions required considerable contraction of lithospheric rocks. The contraction was mainly due to high-grade metamorphism in mafic rocks in the lower crust. The metamorphism was favored by increasing pressure and temperature in the lower crust with the accumulation of a thick layer of sediments. According to gravity data, the Moho in the basin is underlain by large masses of high-velocity eclogites, which are denser than mantle peridotites. The same is typical of some other ultradeep basins: North Caspian, South Caspian, North Chukchi, and Gulf of Mexico basins. From Late Devonian to Late Jurassic, several episodes of rapid crustal subsidence took place in the North Barents basin, which is typical of large petroleum basins. The subsidence was due to metamorphism in the lower crust, when it was infiltrated by mantle-source fluids in several episodes. The metamorphic contraction in the lower crust gave rise to deep-water basins with sediments with a high content of unoxidized organic matter. Along with numerous structural and nonstructural traps in the cover of the North Barents basin, this is strong evidence that the North Barents basin is a large hydrocarbon basin.











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