1. S.D.J. Barbosa, Programação via Interface (Programming via Interface, in Portuguese), Doctoral thesis, Computer Science Department, PUC-Rio, May 1999.
2. S.D.J. Barbosa, C.K.V. da Cunha, S.R.P. da Silva, Knowledge and communication perspectives in extensible applications, Proceedings of IHC’98, Maringá, PR, 1998.
3. S.D.J. Barbosa, S.R.P. da Silva, C.S. de Souza, Extensible software applications as a semiotic engineering laboratory, Working Papers in the Semiotic Sciences, Legas, Ottawa, Canada, 2000 (in press).
4. S.D.J. Barbosa, C.S. de Souza, Extending software through metaphors and metonymies, Proceedings of the ACM 2000 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, IUI’2000, 2000.
5. Watch What I Do: Programming by Demonstration,1993