1. Novel Food Packaging;Franz,2003
2. Post-consumer contamination in high-density polyethylene (HDPE) milk bottles and the design of a bottle-to-bottle recycling process
3. US Food and Drug Administration, Center for Food Safety an Applied Nutrition, Guidance: Recycled Plastics in Food Packaging, 2006, http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/∼dms/opa2cg3b.html.
4. Brasil, Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária, Resolução n° 20, de 26 de março de 2008, Brasília, Diário Oficial da República Federal do Brasil, http://e-legis.anvisa.gov.br/leisref/public/showAct.php?id=30225&word=:.
5. Studies on the usability of recycled PET for food packaging applications