1. Ahlers, C.F., Bandurraga, T.M., Bodvarsson, G.S., Chen, G., Finsterle, S., Wu, Y.S., 1995. Summary of model calibration and sensitivity studies using the LBNL/USGS three-dimensional unsaturated zone site-scale model. Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project Report.
2. Ahlers, C.F., Bandurraga, T.M.. Bodvarsson, G.S., Chen, G., Finsterle, S., Wu, Y.S., 1995. Performance analysis of the LBNL/USGS three-dimensional unsaturated zone site-scale model. Yucca Mountain Project Milestone 3GLM105M, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA.
3. Ahlers, C.F., Shan, C., Haukwa, C., Cohen, A.B.J., Bodvarsson, G.S., 1996. Calibration and prediction of pneumatic response of at Yucca Mountain, Nevada using the unsaturated zone flow model. Yucca Mountain Project Milestone OB12M.
4. Ahlers, C.F. et al., 1998. Characterization and prediction of subsurface pneumatic response of at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, this issue.
5. Arnold, B.W., Altman, S.J., Robey, T.H., Barnard, R.W., Brown, T.J., 1995. Unsaturated-zone fast-path flow calculations for Yucca Mountain groundwater travel time analyses (GWTT-94). Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project Report, SAND95-0857, UC-814.