1. Method of calculation of the shielding enclosure for the Berkeley Bevatron, in First International Symposium on Protection Near Large Accelerators, Saclay;Moyer,1962
2. The effect of shielding on radiation produced by the 730-MeV synchrocyclotron and the 6.3-GeV proton synchrotron at the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory (UCRL-10061, Jan. 1962), in First International Symposium on Protection Near Large Accelerator, Saclay;Patterson,1962
3. H.S. Dakin, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Berkeleyprivate communication.
4. Data related to nuclear star production by high-energy protons, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory;Moyer,1961
5. Monte Carlo Calculations on Intranuclear Cascades. I. Low-Energy Studies