1. Reactive plasma spraying of wear-resistant coatings
2. Y. Tsunekawa, M. Okumiya, T. Kobayashi, in: C.C. Berndt (Ed.), Proc. of Int. Thermal Spray Conf., Kobe, Japan, May 1995, ASM International, Materials Park, OH, USA, 1995, p. 755.
3. R.W. Smith, E. Lugscheider, P. Jokiel, U. Muller, M. Wilbert, in: C.C.Berndt (Ed.), Proc. of Nat. Thermal Spray Conf., Anaheim, CA, USA, June 1993, ASM International, Materials Park, OH, USA, 1993 p. 439.
4. Synthesis of iron aluminide matrix in situ composites from elemental powders by reactive low pressure plasma spraying
5. Synthesis and high-temperature stability of titanium aluminide matrixin situ composites