1. AAAI (1990). Working Notes of the AAAI-90 Spring Symposium Series–Case-Based Reasoning, Stanford University, American Association for Artificial Intelligence.
2. AAAI (1988). Proceedings of the AAAI-88 Case-Based Reasoning Workshop, Minneapolis–St. Paul, Minnesota, American Association for Artificial Intelligence.
3. AISC. (1980). Manual of Steel Construction (Eighth ed.). American Institute of Steel Construction.
4. DARPA (1989). Proceedings of the DARPA Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning, Pensacola Beach, Florida, Kluwer Academic.
5. Daube, Francois, and Hayes-Roth, Barbara, (1988). FIRST: A Case-Based Redesign System in the BB1 Blackboard Architecture, Proceedings of the AAAI-88 Case-Based Reasoning Workshop.