1. Barnes v. Burger King Corp., 932 F. Supp. 1420 (S.D. Fla. 1996).
2. Barkoff, Rupert M., and Garner, W. Michael. 1994. Encroachment: Franchising's enigma. Franchise Update (Second Quarter):7–10.
3. Barkoff, Rupert M., and Garner, W. Michael. 1993. Encroachment: The thorn in every successful franchisor's side (this town ain't big enuff for the both of us!). American Bar Association Forum on Franchising, 1993 Annual Forum, Workshop No. 16. Dallas, Texas.
4. Barkoff, Rupert M., and Giresi, Mark A. 1996. Burger King's collaborative solution to encroachment. Leader's Franchising Business & Law Alert (March):1–4.
5. Black, Henry Campbell. 1968. Black's Law Dictionary, 4th ed. St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Co.