1. Beazoglou T, Bailit H, Douglass J, Husky A. Dental care: new directions. Connecticut Health Foundation Policy Brief 2006; January 2006:1-4.
2. Carr v Wilson-Coker, Civil Action No. 3:00 CV 1050 (AVC), U.S. District Court, District of Connecticut.
3. 2005 National Dental Advisory Service Comprehensive Fee Report,2005
4. State of Connecticut, Department of Labor. Labor market information. Historical labor force monthly data with annual averages by town. Department of Labor; 2006-2012. Available at: www1.ctdol.state.ct.us/lmi/laus/laustown.asp. Accessed November 5, 2014.
5. Connecticut Housing Finance Authority. CHFA research data, Connecticut home sales 2006-Q1, 2014, Connecticut Housing Finance Authority. Available at: www.chfa.org//Press%20Room/CHFA%20Research%20Data/default.aspx. Accessed November 5, 2014.