1. Anon., 1980. EU Council Directive 80/217/EEC of 22 January 1980 introducing community measures for the control of classical swine fever, last amended 14 June 1993.
2. Anon., 1990. Report of the Meeting of National Swine Fever Laboratories within the European Communities. VI/1337/91-EN, Commission of the European Community, Brussels, pp. 1–72.
3. Anon., 1991. Report of the Meeting of National Swine Fever Laboratories within the European Communities. VI/5458/91-EN, Commission of the European Community, Brussels, pp. 1–106.
4. Anon., 1993. Report of the Meeting of National Swine Fever Laboratories within the European Communities. VI/8871/93, Commission of the European Community, Brussels, pp. 2–70.
5. Anon., 1994. Report of the Annual Meeting of National Swine Fever Laboratories, Brussels, 1994. VI/5848/95, Commission of the European Community, Brussels, pp. 2–46.