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2. R.J. Walters, M.A. Xapsos, G.P. Summers, H.L. Cotal, S.R. Messenger, Radiation response of single and dual junction p+n InGaP/GaAs space solar cells, Conference Record of 26th IEEE PVSC, 1997, pp. 843–846.
3. J. Lammasniemi, A.B. Kazantsev, R. Jaakkola, M. Toivonen, M. Jalonen, R. Aho, M. Pessa, GaInP/GaAs cascade solar cells grown by molecular beam epitaxy, Conference Record of 26th IEEE PVSC, 1997, pp. 823–826.
4. Service provided by European Space Agency. See http://www.spenvis.oma.be/spenvis/
5. S.R. Kurtz, K.A. Bertness, D.J. Friedman, A.E. Kibbler, C. Kramer, J.M. Olson, 19.6% electron-irradiated GaInP/GaAs cells, Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE First World Conference on PV Energy Conversion, pp. 2108–2111.