1. A. Kress, P. Fath, G. Willeke, E. Bucher, Low-cost back-contact silicon solar cells applying the emitter-wrap through (EWT) concept, Proceedings of the Second WCPSEC, 1998, p. 1547.
2. A. Schönecker, A. Weeber, W. Sinke, C. Zechner, A. Kress, P. Fath, Attacking limiting factors in 10×10cm2 multicrystalline silicon, emitter wrap-through solar cell design and processing, Proceedings of the Second WCPSEC, 1998, p. 1677.
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4. O. Breitenstein, M. Langenkamp, O. Lang, A. Schirrmacher, Shunts due to cutting of solar cells characterised by highly sensitive lock-in thermography, Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells, this volume.
5. R. Kühn, A. Boueke, M. Wibral, C. Zechner, P. Fath, G. Willeke, E. Bucher, Investigation of the effect of p/n-junctions bordering on the surface of silicon solar cells, Proceedings of the Second WCPSEC, 1998, p. 1390.