1. B. Dale, H.G. Rudenberg, Proceedings of the 14th Annual Power Sources Conf., U. S. Army Signal Research and Development Lab., 1960, p. 22.
2. Analysis of textured solar cells at various angles of incidence: Fresnel concentration to 500 suns
3. J. Haynos, J. Allison, R. Arndt, A. Meulenberg, Proceedings of International Conference on Photovoltaic Power Generation, Hamburg, Germany, 1974, p. 487.
4. C.R. Baraona, H.W. Brandhorst, Proceedings of the 11th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, IEEE, New York, 1975, p. 48.
5. M.A. Green, High Efficiency Silicon Solar Cells, Trans. Tech. Publ., Switzerland (1987).