1. Wesner, G.M., and Culp, R.L. “Engineering Report: Proposed Wastewater Reclamation Facilities.” Orange County Water District, February 1971.
2. Argo, D.G., and Moutes, J.G. “Wastewater Reclamation by Reverse Osmosis.” 50th Annual Conference of the Water Pollution Control Federation, Philadelphia, October 1977.
3. McCarty, P.L., Reinhard, M., and Argo, D.G. “Reliability of Advanced Wastewater Treatment.” International Water Reuse Symposium, Washington, D.C., March 1979.
4. McCarty, P.L., Argo, D.G., and Reinhard, M. “Operation Experiences with Activated Carbon Adsorbers at Water Factory 21.” International Conference on Practical Application of Adsorption Techniques in Drinking Water.” Reston, Va., April 1979.
5. Argo, D.G. “Evaluation of Membrane Processes and Their Role in Wastewater Reclamation.” OWRT Report No. 14-34-0001-8520, Vol. 1, November 1979.