1. Peyret R, Viviand H. Computation of viscous compressible flows based on the Navier–Stokes equations. AGARD-AG-212, 1975
2. Rubin SG, Harris JE. Incompressible viscous flow in a driven cavity. NASA-SP-378, 1975
3. Blottner FG. Computational techniques for boundary-layers. AGARD Lecture Series 1975;73
4. Rubin SG, Khosla PK. Higher order numerical solutions using cubic splines. AIAA 2nd Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, 19–20 June 1975. p. 55–66
5. Kendall RM, Bonnett WS, Nardo CT, Abbett MJ. Computational procedure for three dimensional boundary layers on aircraft and aerospace vehicles. AIAA 2nd Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, 19–20 June 1975. p. 113–23