1. BP Statistical Review of World Energy, 53rd ed., UK, June 2004.
2. Energy & Transport in Figures, European Union, Directorate General for Energy & Transport, European Commission, Brussels, 2003, p. 198.
3. C. van der Linde, Study on Energy Supply Security and Geopolitics, ETAP Program Final Report, Directorate General Energy & Transport, European Commission, TREN/C1-06-2002, B.V. Repro-van de Kamp, The Hague, January 2004, p. 279.
4. EC Green-Paper—Towards a European Strategy for the Security of Energy Supply, Commission of the European Communities, COM 769, Brussels, November 2000.
5. L. Mantzos, P. Capros, N. Kouvaritakis, M. Zeka-Paschou, European Energy & Transport—Trends to 2030. Directorate General Energy & Transport, Brussels (ISBN 92-894-4444-4), January 2003, p. 220.