1. M. Mattson, On the efficiency of displacement ventilation with particular reference to the influence of human physical activity. Centre for Built Environment, Royal Institute of Technology Gävle, Sweden, ISBN 91-628-3674-9.
2. Norwegian Health Department, Forskrift om miljørettet helsevern i skoler og barnehager (Regulations for environmental health protection in schools and day-care centers), Norway, 2003.
3. National Office of Building Technology and Administration, Norway, Guildelines to the Technical Regulations under the Planning and Building Act 1997 (in Norwegian), http://www.be.no/, 3rd ed., April 2003.
4. T. Gartland, Verbal communication 2002.08.13. Teacher at Mediå School.
5. P.O. Tjeelflaat, Pilot study report: Mediå School Grong, Norway. IEA ECBCS Annex 35, “Principles of Hybrid Ventilation” CD-ROM http://www.byggforsk.no/prosjekter/hybvent/A04-grong_PSreport.pdf.