1. Beck K, Spycher S, Holly A, Gardiol L. Risk adjustment in Switzerland. April 2001 [see this special issue].
2. Buchner F, Wasem J. Needs for further improvement: risk adjustment in the German health insurance system. February 2001 [see this special issue].
3. Lamers LM, Van Vliet RCJA, Van de Ven WPMM. Risk adjusted premium subsidies and risk sharing: key elements of the competitive sickness fund market in the Netherlands. April 2001 [see this special issue].
4. Shmueli A, Chernichovsky D, Zmora I. Risk adjustment and risk sharing: the Israeli experience. April 2001 [see this special issue].
5. Schokkaert E, Van de Voorde C. Belgium: risk adjustment and financial responsibility in a centralised system. February 2001 [see this special issue].