1. Study of interface interactions for metal-metal and metal-ceramic coatings obtained by plasma and HVOF spraying
2. M.P.W. Vreijling, E.P.M. van Westing, G.M. Ferrari, J.H.E. De Wit, The Effect of the Thermal Spray Process on the Behaviour of NiCr Alloy in Seawater, Internet Conference InterCorr/96. http://www.intercorr.com, 1997
3. Electrochemical Corrosion of Cermet Coatings in Artificial Marine Water
4. M.P.W. Vreijling, E.P.M. van Westing, G.M. Ferrari, R. Hofman, J.H.W. de Wit, Corrosion Protection using Passivating Thermal Spray Coatings, Proc. Eurocorr’97, Trondheim, Norway, 1997
5. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy and Zero Resistance Ammeters (ZRA) as Tools for Studying the Behaviour of Zinc-Rich Inorganic Coatings