1. BPP 1822, iv, 293. Report from the Select Committee on the Public Accounts of the United Kingdom, annually laid before Parliament, 31 July 1822.
2. BPP 1822, xvii, 1. Public offices: Two volumes. Reduction in civil offices; also admissions and retirements of clerks in civil offices; & c. session, 5 February to 6 August 1822.
3. BPP 1829, vi(a), 1. Report of the Commissioners [T. C. Brooksbank and S. Beltz] appointed to inquire into and to state the mode of keeping the official accounts in the principal departments connected with the receipts and expenditure for the Public Service, & c., 9 February 1829.
4. BPP 1829, vi(b), 361. Reports made to the Lords of the Treasury by the Third Commissioner [P. H. Abbott] for investigating the mode of keeping the public accounts also, A Memorial addressed by them [Brooksbank and Beltz] to him on the 28th February 1829, 12 June 1829.
5. BPP 1830, xxix, 1. Letter from Mr. Abbott, late one of the Commissioners, for inquiring into the state of the public accounts, addressed to the Right honourable the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury dated the 27 November 1829; together with the explanations and observations of Messrs. Brooksbank and Beltz thereupon, dated 18 December 1829.