1. Guillaume M-L. Development of an European procedure for the design of simple joints. Diploma work, Liège University/ CUST Clermont-Ferrand; July 2000 [in French]
2. Eurocode 3 EN1993 Part 1-1. Design of steel structures–General rules and rules for buildings. CEN Brussels. EN 1993-1-1; May 2005
3. Eurocode 3 EN1993 Part 1-8. Design of steel structures–Design of connections. CEN Brussels. EN 1993-1-8; May 2005
4. BS 5950-1:2000. British Standard: Structural use of steelwork in building, Part 1. Code of practice for design–rolled and welded cross-sections
5. BCSA - SCI: Joints in Simple Construction, simple Connections. Publication 212; 2002