1. Afonin, I.P., Babykin, M.V., Baev, B.V., Baigarin, K.A., Bartov, A.V., Gavrin, P.O., Korop, E.D., Mizchirutskii, V.E. & Pasechnikov, A.M., and Rudakov. L. I. (1977). Proc. All-Union Conf. Eng. Problems Thermonucl. Reactors 1977 Vol. 2, p. 104 (in Russian)
2. On the Motion of Cosmic Rays in Interstellar Space
3. Babykin, M.V., Baigarin, K.A., Bartov, A.V., Gavrin, P.P., Gorbulin, Yu. M., Gubarev, A.V., Danko, S.A., Kalinin, Yu. G., Kiselev, V.N., Miziritsky, V.I., Rudakov, L.I. & Skoryupin, V.A., and Shestakov, Yu. I. (1979). Proc. Int. Conf. High Power Electron Ion Beam Technol., 3rd (to be published)
4. Bangerter, R.O. & Meeker, D.J. (1977). Proc. Int. Conf. High Power Electron Ion Beam Technol., 2nd 1977 p. 183
5. Equivalent circuit approach to long magnetically insulated transmission lines