1. Direct photon production in hadron-hadron collisions at the SPS. Proposal CERN/SPSC/80-106 SPCS/P 153.
2. A high-energy electron/photon detector with good spatial resolution using analogue read-out multiwire proportional chambers
3. A multi-use cathode cell MWPC
4. The first chamber has been realized at CERN by G. Chil. D. Edard (Saclay), R. Hammarström, A. Michelini, O. Runolfsson and M. Uldry, CERN EP. A second one has been realized at Saclay.
5. Filotex type EPDF5X0-KY-30-02; Filotex, Darveil, France. Kapton 300H; Dupont, Circleville, Ohio, USA. See also: R. Hammarström et al., CERN/EP 80-12.