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2. C. Torres, A. Valero, L. Serra, structural theory and thermoeconomic diagnosis – Part I: on malfunction and dysfunction analysis, in: Proc. of ECOS 99, Tokyo, July, 1999.
3. A. Lazareto, A. Toffolo, On the thermoeconomic approach to the diagnosis of energy system malfunctions. Part-5 indicators to diagnose malfunctions: application of a new indicator for the location of causes, in: Proc. of ECOS 2003, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2003.
4. A. Zaleta, A. Valero, V. Rangel, On the thermoeconomic approach to the diagnosis of energy system malfunctions. Part-6 A reconciliation approach, in: Proc. of ECOS 2003 Copenhagen, Denmark, 2003.
5. A. Valero, L. Correas, A. Zaleta, A. Lazareto, V. Verda, M. Reini, V. Rangel, On the thermoeconomic approach to the diagnosis of energy system malfunctions. Part-2 Malfunction definitions and assessment, in: Proc. of ECOS 2002, Berlin, Germany, 2002.