1. W.M. Presz, G. Reynolds, D.C. McCormick, Thrust augment using mixer–ejector–diffuser systems, AIAA Paper 94-0020.
2. W.M. Presz, Mixer/ejector noise suppressors, AIAA Paper 91-2243.
3. M.G. Mitchell, O.I. Smith, A.R. Karagozian, Effects of passive fuel–air mixing control on burner emissions via lobed fuel injectors, AIAA 99-240.
4. Brian J. Tester, Michael J. Fisher, A contribution to the understanding and prediction of jet noise generation in forced mixers, AIAA 2004-2897.
5. S.A. Skebes, R.W. Paterson, T.J. Barber, Experimental investigation of three-dimensional forced mixer lobe flow fields, AIAA Paper 88-3785-CP.