1. A. Marantan, P. Popovic, R. Radermacher, The potential of BCHP technology in commercial buildings – Characterizing the BCHP demonstration building, ASHRAE Symposium on CHP Technologies for the New Century, ASHRAE Transactions, 2002, p. 108.
2. DTE Energy Technologies, ENI 75 Installation and Operation Manual.
3. A. Lowenstein, S. Slayzak, J. Ryan, A. Pesaran, Advanced commercial liquid-desiccant technology development study, National Renewable Energy Laboratory Report, 1998.
4. Kathabar Systems Inc., Application Manual for Kathapac Dehumidification.
5. A. Marantan, Optimization of integrated microturbine and absorption chiller systems in CHP for buildings applications, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA, 2002.