1. A. Enomoto, Proc. of 1996 Int. Linac Conf., CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 1996, p. 633.
2. G.T. Konrad, Proc. of 1984 Int. Linac Conf., Seeheim/Darmstadt, West Germany, 1984, p. 293.
3. Design and evaluation of a compact 50 MW rf source of the PF linac for the KEKB project
4. W.H. Kohl, Materials and Techniques for Electron Tubes, Reinhold, New York, 1960.
5. T. Hata, J.Kai, M. Koitabashi, K. Sano, Mitsubishi Denki Gihou, Vol. 40-6, 1966, p. 1034