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3. UNFCCC (2022) COP27 reaches breakthrough agreement on new “loss and damage” fund for vulnerable countries. https://unfccc.int/news/cop27-reaches-breakthrough-agreement-on-new-loss-and-damage-fund-for-vulnerable-countries https://unfccc.int/cop27.
4. Chartered Accountants (2022) COP27 - The Sharm el-Sheikh Implementation Plan – ‘A down-payment on climate justice’ https://www.charteredaccountants.ie/News/cop27—the-sharm-el-sheikh-implementation-plan-a-down-payment-on-climate-justice.
5. Climate Champions (2022) UN Climate Change High-Level Champions: Contribution of the ‘All of Society’ Global Climate Action Agenda at COP27. https://climatechampions.unfccc.int/contribution-of-the-all-of-society-global-climate-action-agenda-at-cop27/.