1. Patrick J. Birkinshaw.“Proposals for Freedom of Information in the United Kingdom,” Government Information Quarterly, 16 (1999): 93–109.
2. Freedom of Information. Consultation on Draft Legislation Home Office Cm.4355 (May 1999).
3. Freedom of Information Bill [Bill No.5] House of Commons, (November 18, 1999).
4. Freedom of Information Draft Bill Select Committee on Public Administration. [HC 570 Vols. I&II (1998/99)]. There was also a report by a special committee of the House of Lords: Draft Freedom of Information Bill [HL 97 (1998/99)]. A further report was made by the Commons Committee on Public Administration: HC 78 (1999/2000).
5. Commission of the European Communities COM. 30 final/2 COD 2000/0032. (February 1, 2000).