1. Über Blastese in Gesteinen unterschiedlicher Genese —Migmatit, Granit, Metamorphit, (Smirgel);Augustithis;Basalt. Hamburger Beitr. Angew. Mineral. Kristallphys. Petrogenese
2. Researches of blastic processes in granitic rocks and later graphic quartz in pegmatites (pegmatoids) from Ethiopa;Augustithis;Nova Acta Leopoldina,1962
3. Non-eutectic, graphic, micrographic and graphic-like “myrmekitic” structures and textures;Augustithis;Beitr. Mineral. Petrogr.,1962
4. Quartz/feldspar micrographic (granophyric) intergrowths in volcanics and their comparison with graphic and granophyric structures and textures in granites and pegmatites;Augustithis;Inst. Petrogenesis Geochem., Athens, Spec. Bull.,1964
5. Blastic magnetite with ilmenite ex-solutions in epizonal chlorite, with anthophyllite blastic growths;Augustithis;Inst. Petrogenesis Geochem., Athens, Spec. Bull.,1964