1. AMSAA reliability growth guide, (2000) Technical Report No. TR-652, U.S. Army Materiel Systems Analysis Activity, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, USA.
2. Crow, L.H., (1990), Evaluating the reliability of repairable systems, Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, Proceedings., Annual, , pp. 275 - 279.
3. Crow, L. H., (1977), Confidence interval procedures for reliability growth analysis. AMSAA Technical Report No. 197, June. U.S. Army Materiel Systems Analysis Activity, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland.
4. Crow, L. H., (1975), Reliability analysis for complex repairable systems, AMSAA Technical Report No. 138. U.S. Army Materiel Systems Analysis Activity, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland.
5. Crow, L.H., (1974), Reliability analysis for a complex repairable systems, Reliability and biometry statistical analysis oflifelength, SIAM, Philadelphia, pp 379-410.