1. ACE/ASPH workshop on doctoral education in epidemiology: workshop summary,2002
2. University of Illinois at Chicago. Master’s Degree in Public Health Core Competency Development Project. 2006. Available from: https://www.uic.edu/sph/prepare/courses/chsc400/syllabus/mphcorecomp.pdf. [accessed 06.2.2015].
3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC/CSTE Competencies for Applied Epidemiologists in Governmental Public Health Agencies. 2008. Available from: http://www.cdc.gov/AppliedEpiCompetencies/. [accessed 06.2.2015].
4. Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health. Doctor of Public Health Core Competency Model. 2009. Available from: http://www.aspph.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/DrPHVersion1-3.pdf. [accessed 06.2.2015].