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2. L.J. Weirick, Corrosion of Uranium and Uranium Alloys, ASM Metals Handbook Vol. 13, ASM, 1988.
3. A.G. Ritchie, R.C. Greenwood, S.J. Randles, D.R. Netherton, J. Whitehorn, The Atmospheric Corrosion of Uranium–6% Niobium Alloy, AWRE Report, Nov. 1985.
4. J.V. Cathcart, in: J. Burke, Colling, A. David, A. Gorum, Phys. Metall. Uranium Alloys, Proc. Army Mater. Technol. Conf., 3rd (1976) Meeting Date 1974, 775–813.
5. Design considerations for simple gas dosers in surface science applications