1. A. GIACHELLO, P.C. MARTINENGO, G. TOMMASINI and P. POPPER, ⪡Sintering of silicon nitride in a powder bed⪢, to be published in the J. Mat. Sci.
2. A. GIACHELLO, P.C. MARTINENGO, G. TOMMASINI and P. POPPER, ⪡Fabrication and properties of a pressureless sintered silicon nitride based on Y2O3 as sintering aid submitted⪢ to the Am. Ceram. Soc.
3. D.J. ROWCLIFFE and P.J. JORGENSEN, ⪡Sintering of silicon nitride⪢, Proceedings on workshop on ceramics for advanced heat engines, ERDA 1977, Cont. 770110 UC 95a.
4. Pressureless sintered silicon nitride;Oda,1977
5. Problems in sintering silicon nitride;Popper,1978