1. An Environmental Effect of GSO Methyl Ester with ZnO Additive Fuelled Marine Engine;Karthikeyan;Indian J. Geo-Marine Sci.,2014
2. Diesel Engine Performance and Emission Analysis using Canola oil Methyl Ester with the Nano sized Zinc Oxide Particles;Karthikeyan;Indian J. Eng. Mater. Sci.,2014
3. Environmental Effects of Nano Additive CO3O4 in Grape Seed Oil biofuel fuelled in CI Engine;Karthikeyan;Res. J. Chem. Environ,2014
4. Performance and Emission Study on Zinc Oxide Nano Particles Addition with Pomolion Stearin Wax Biodiesel of CI Engine;Karthikeyan;J. Sci. Ind. Res.,2014
5. Performance, combustion and emission characteristic of a marine engine running on grape seed oil biodiesel blends with nano additive;Karthikeyan;Indian J. Geo-Marine Sci.,2014