1. Military specifications radomes, General Specifications for, MIL-R-7705B.
2. Competition Composites Inc. (CCI) - Radome R&D White Paper, August 2013.
3. O. Russo, A. Colasante, G. Bellaveglia, F. Maggio L. Marcellini, L. Scialino, L. Rolo, J.C. Angevain& R. Midthasse, “State of the Art Materials for KU and KA Band Satellite Antenna Radome”, Telecommunications Ground Segments Workshop, Esa/Estec, 2012
4. Computational methods for bird strike simulations: A review
5. G. Pulvirenti, P. D. Tromboni, M. Marchetti, A. Delogu, “Surveillance System Airborne Composite Radome Design”, Dip. Ing. Aerospaziale Astronautica, Universita di Roma “La Sapienza”- Italy.