1. Information on http://formdrill.com/english/formdrill.htm.
2. Information on http://www.centerdrill.de.
3. V.V. Khomenko, Formation of attachment points in thin-walled parts by plastic drilling. Thesis, Altai State Technical University named after I.I. Polzunov, 2005.
4. O.V. Zolotov, Improving the technology of processing thin-walled parts by plastic drilling. Thesis, Altai State Technical University named after I.I. Polzunov, 2007.
5. Thermal Friction Drilling S. A. El-Bahloul, H. E. El-Shourbagy, M. Y. Al-Makky T. T. El-Midany / ASAT-15-071-ET.