1. Anunziata, F., Cisneros, C., Castillo, M.I.N., Perez, A., Rodriguez, V., De La Cruz, S., Estrada, K., Durbal, A., Jaramillo, M., Marquez, L.E., Nunez, J., Peralta-Carcelen, M., Wisnowski, J.L., & the HBCD Spanish Language Committee. ¿Donde están? Hispanic/Latine inclusion, diversity and representation in the HEALthy and (HBCD) Study. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience.
2. Cioffredi, L., Yerby, L.G., Burris, H.H., Cole, K.M., Engel, S.M., Murray, T.M., Slopen, N., Volk, H.E., Acheson, A., & the HBCD Social and Environmental Determinants Workgroup. Assessing prenatal and early childhood social and environmental determinants of health in the HEALthy Brain and Child Development Study. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience.
3. Cioffredi, L., Garner, B., Maxwell, J.R., Merhar, S., Peralta-Carcelen, M., Scott, L.S., Sisodia, M., DeMauro, S.B., & the HBCD Physical Health Workgroup. Infant and early childhood physical health assessments in the HEALthy Brain and Child Development (HBCD) Study. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience.
4. Cole, K.M., Jordan, C.J., Parkinson, M., Estrada, K., Hoffman, E.A., Croff, J.M., Freund, M.P., Howlett, K.D., & the HBCD Communications, Engagement, and Dissemination Workgroup. Communications, engagement, and dissemination strategies for the HBCD Study. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience.
5. de Leeuw, E., Hox, J., & Luiten, A. (2018). International nonresponse trends across countries and years: An analysis of 36 years of labour force survey data. In Survey Insights: Methods from the Field. 〈https://surveyinsights.org/?p=10452〉.