1. Belém. Diário Oficial do Município de Belém. Decreto N° 47.304/2005-PMB de 14 de janeiro de 2005. Establishes that Salvador Viana da Silva (2038153-013) shall work as a commissioner for the municipality as an ASSESSOR-DAS-202.6 at Secretaria Municipal de Saneamento, effective 01 de fevereiro de 2005. Belém, 18 fev. 2005.
2. Brazilian Constitution, enacted in 1988.
3. Castelo Branco, M. A. L. (June 10th, 2008). Decision #2008.00723387-84 rejecting the preliminary injunction asked in the class action suit.
4. Castelo Branco, M. A. L. (September 6th, 2011). Decision #2011.01792486-42 asking if the plaintiffs and defendants would have interest in entering into an agreement.
5. COSANPA — Companhia de Saneamento do Pará (Sanitation Company of the state of Pará) (2002) Manual de Operação e Manutenção de Drenagem, Vias e Obras de Artes Especiais da Bacia do Una, Volume I. Governo do Estado do Pará, Belém.