Improving neural machine translation with sentence alignment learning


Shi Xuewen,Huang Heyan,Jian Ping,Tang Yi-Kun


Elsevier BV


Artificial Intelligence,Cognitive Neuroscience,Computer Science Applications

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1. Exploring English Long Sentence Translation Methods by Applying Natural Language Processing Techniques;Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences;2023-12-05

2. BAS-ALSTM: analyzing the efficiency of artificial intelligence-based English translation system;Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing;2023-12-03

3. Transfer Learning-Based Neural Machine Translation for Low-Resource Languages;ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing;2023-09-13

4. Optimization of apparatus translation algorithm for English complex long sentences based on multi-layer filtering;2023 IEEE International Conference on Control, Electronics and Computer Technology (ICCECT);2023-04-28

5. Selection and study of fuzzy semantics in machine translation;Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering;2023-04-04







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