1. USNRC. Report to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Piping Review Committee. Prepared by Pipe Break Task Group, NUREG/CR-1061, vol. 3. Washington, DC: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, November 1984
2. Federal Register. Standard Review Plan, Section 3.6.3 Leak-Before-Break Evaluation Procedures. Public comment paper, vol. 52, No. 167. Notices, August 1987. pp. 32626–633
3. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASME. Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI, 1989
4. Rahman S, Brust F, Ghadiali N, Choi YH, Krishnaswamy P, Moberg F, Brickstad B, Wilkowski G. Refinement and evaluation of crack-opening-area analyses for circumferential through-wall cracks in pipes. NUREG/CR-6300. Washington, DC: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, April 1995
5. Effects of off-centered crack and restraint of induced bending on the crack-opening-area analysis of pipes;Rahman,1995